
,2023年10月25日—Anauraisafeeling,experience,ormovementthatjustseemsdifferent.Itcanalsobeawarningthataseizureisgoingtohappen.Thereare ...,2023年12月22日—Aseizureauraisafeelingorsensationapersonmayexperienceduringtheinitialphaseofaseizure.Seizureaurasareatypeoffocal ...,Somepatientshaveanunusualsensationorfeeling,knownasanaura,thatalertsthemtoanupcomingseizurebeforeithappens.Theauraisactuallyasi...

Epileptic Seizures with Auras

2023年10月25日 — An aura is a feeling, experience, or movement that just seems different. It can also be a warning that a seizure is going to happen. There are ...

Seizure auras explained

2023年12月22日 — A seizure aura is a feeling or sensation a person may experience during the initial phase of a seizure. Seizure auras are a type of focal ...


Some patients have an unusual sensation or feeling, known as an aura, that alerts them to an upcoming seizure before it happens. The aura is actually a simple ...

What Is a Seizure Aura?

2021年2月25日 — An aura is the feeling you may have before the onset of a seizure. Typically, these occur before a focal seizure.

Aura (symptom)

An aura is a perceptual disturbance experienced by some with epilepsy or migraine. An epileptic aura is actually a minor seizure.

Aura and Seizures

Aura is the term used to describe symptoms that may occur before a seizure. An aura may include: Visual changes. Examples include: Bright lights.

What Happens During a Seizure Aura

2024年4月5日 — A seizure aura is a partial seizure that occurs before a full seizure, manifesting in an array of abnormal physical, sensory, or emotional ...

Epilepsy aura

2024年1月5日 — An epilepsy aura refers to a physiological warning that occurs before a person experiences a seizure. Auras are also known as focal aware ...

The Mysterious Randomness of Epileptic Auras

2016年11月11日 — For some people with epilepsy, seizures are preceded by a warning. Doctors refer to that warning as an aura, an event that can manifest as ...